Joan Macy School is...
A specialized, non-public school for at-risk students grades 1-12, who are placed with us by their local school districts. Practical instructional skills are integrated into the classroom experience to promote the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in society today. Students follow school district graduation requirements, with special guidance for those behind schedule. We also offer exposure to community activities such as field trips, dual enrollment, regional occupational programs, and full mainstreaming back to public school as appropriate.
We offer individual and crisis counseling, behavior management training, social skills training, transitional and vocational training, speech and language therapy, door-to-door transportations, healthy living and physical education, and one-to-one services.
Eligible students have access to the San Antonio and East San Gabriel Valley Regional Occupational Programs and an on-campus Work Experience Program, where students gain hands-on job training and earn both a work allowance and vocational credits.
We adhere to the Common Core State Standards developed by the State of California. Individualized adaptations to curriculum are done on an as needed basis. Math curriculum includes California-adopted My Math, California Math Course 1-3, and Core Curriculum Integrated Math I & II. Our English Language Arts curriculum includes California adopted California Journeys and Collections California.

Street Law Clinic
Understanding their place in society is important for all young adults. To this end, Joan Macy School has many for years partnered with the Street Law Clinic offered by Professor Laura Dym Cohen through Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles. The clinic teaches legal life skills to high school students at Joan Macy School and throughout Los Angeles County. Law students step into the roles of teacher, mentor, and advocate to empower at-risk youth to make better choices, overcome adversity, and build stronger futures.
These participatory lessons inform the teenagers about their rights and the laws that apply to them, and provide legal information and resources they need to successfully transition to independent living and adulthood. Law students teach a weekly 90-minute lesson using active-learning methodology at sites arranged by the clinic director, as well as meet with their students individually to ensure that each has a plan as they leave high school. Based on this plan, the law students prepare a resource binder specific for each youth that targets their needs and interests, focusing on housing, employment and education.
For more information on Street Law Clinic, contact:
Laura Dym Cohen
Clinical Professor of Law and Director
Street Law Clinic and Public Service Programs
Southwestern Law School