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Foster Family & Adoption Services

Long-Term Foster Care Program

Host Families Needed for Unaccompanied Youth

David & Margaret Youth and Family Services provides foster care for foreign-born children from dozens of countries. This program is known as the Long-Term Foster Care Program. 

If you were a child, alone in a country where no one spoke your language and all customs were strange, how would you cope? Who would you turn to for help? This is the reality of unaccompanied minors. They leave their parents, home, community, and country to escape violence and danger.

Our Unaccompanied Minor Program provides services for foreign-born children who have arrived in the United States without a parent or legal guardian. The child is placed with a loving, compassionate foster family for safe, nurturing care.

These children are among the most vulnerable children who are in need of foster care because they are alone and often have no one in this country to turn to for help and support. The goal of our program is to meet the children’s basic needs in a safe and nurturing family environment.

We have an urgent need for families who are able and willing to share their home with these children for either long- or short-term care. 

As a foster parent, you'll receive these services...

  • Foster families are provided with training to become licensed in the state of California
  • The children have insurance to cover medical needs.
  • Foster parents are provided with a foster care stipend to cover the expenses of adding a new member to the family.
  • Support from our trained and caring social workers
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