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To Love and Be Loved

The reality of 2021 is that more children, youth, and families have experienced significant loss than in recent times. David & Margaret is here to serve them, but we need your help to meet the demand.

When you choose to donate to support the programs at D&M you choose to share love with at-risk youth and families in the community.

This love is shown when a child is placed with a loving foster family like with baby Isabella. Isabella was placed into foster care after leaving a neglectful home. She needed a safe family to show her love and provide for her needs while unable to be with family. 

The Foster Family and Adoption Agency (FFA) at David & Margaret had just helped a family through the Resource Family Approval process and they were able to welcome Isabella into their home. While in their care, she flourished; receiving all the care and resources she needed and more until she could be reunited with family.

Love is shown when a child develops the tools they need to improve their mental health like with Joseph. Joseph was having difficulties in elementary school and at home due to severe anxiety and physical outbursts caused by past trauma. 

Joseph met with a team of trauma-informed therapists for a year and received individual, family, and behavioral therapy. In this time his behavior and temperament drastically improved. He learned how to verbalize his feelings, became less anxious, and is now able to self-regulate using learned techniques and other exercises.

Traumatic events can cause life-long problems, affecting brain response, hormonal systems, and even the immune system; leading to a life of limited opportunities and constant struggle. Because of Joseph’s professional intervention, he now has the tools and skills needed to manage his symptoms and improve his overall quality-of-life. 

Love is shown when a young adult aging out of foster care receives housing and financial support like in the COMPASS Programs at David & Margaret. Youth with a history of foster care face grim statistics, 1 in 2 will end up homeless or incarcerated, 47% face unemployment, and 1 out of 4 don’t finish high school. 

Through the COMPASS programs, 100% of these young adults receive the housing and financial support they need and 100% of these youth continue their education or gain employment. These youth participate in life-skills classes, employment, and education readiness workshops and meet with specialists for one-on-one intervention and training to ensure they have all the knowledge, skills, and tools they need to lead self-sufficient independent lives.

Every day children and youth in this community face the hard realities of mental health struggles and the foster care system. At David & Margaret, we work around the clock to ensure they receive the support, care, and love they deserve at this vulnerable time in their lives. 

These are the acts of love shown at D&M every day. But these acts of love are not possible without your support.

And while it remains true that money can’t buy you love, it can provide the resources needed to ensure these vital services remain in our community.

Please consider making a donation, to love and be loved.

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