The La Verne Church of the Brethren has for many years held an Alternative Gift Faire in early November. This event provides the community with an opportunity to give beyond their own family during the holidays. Organizations such as Church World Service, Heifer International, Habitat for Humanity and Inland Valley Hope Partners are some of the organizations to which people contribute. Cards can be given to family members indicating that a gift has been given in their honor.
In addition, we have provided Fair Trade items and crafts from 10,000 Villages for purchase. Church members who are artisans also sell their wares, donating a portion of their proceeds. The faire is a festive event with live Christmas music, activities for children, and lunch provided by our youth as a fundraising project.
An important participant in the Faire is David and Margaret Youth and Family Services. Gift tags (with first names and requests of your youth) decorate a Christmas tree. Our members purchase one or more gifts for the child whose tag they have selected. What a fun and meaningful way to teach our children the blessings of giving!
This year we could not gather together for this annual event. Instead, our church website listed each organizations’ contact information, suggesting ways people can donate during the pandemic. David and Margaret is included on that list. We look forward to returning to our traditional Faire next year, and invite the community to join us in this festive opportunity to help others.
If you would like to learn more about this event or you are interesting in participating you may do so on the Church of the Brethern website on the Alternative Gift Faire section. For any questions or if you would like additional information please contact Kathy Davis.